Dementia can change everything… and YOU are the reason we are making a difference…
As a supporter of Asklepios-Med, you have helped provide us with the kinds of resources we need to try creative, innovative experiments that can hopefully lead to long-term remission and, one day, a cure for Alzheimer’s disease and related memory problems. And we’re making tremendous progress: nevertheless, having developed MEMENTUM is only the first step. Additionally, the answers we find through our scientific research could apply well beyond dementia, giving us greater insight and understanding that will potentially impact many neuro-psychiatric disorders.
Every penny you give gets us closer to finding a cure. Your generous financial assistance will support our fight for healthy brains. By donating, please work together with us towards a dementia-free world. For further information, please consult and browse through the research&development section of our home-page at, or find additional details directly on Please make a one-time or monthly gift today by credit/debit-card payment or via bank transfer. From all of us at Asklepios-Med, thank you for your enduring support.